Mensa canada
Upcoming Events (times are in GMT-7)
*Please note: The talk with Isabella Baboury is postponed until further notice
Social media
If you are the parent of a young Mensan, or if you are a Mensan youth over13 years of age, we encourage you to request to join the Mensa Canada Gifted Youth and Families Facebook Group: click here
Make a connection
Regional representatives are there to help you find friends and plan local fun!
Find a representative in your area to find out about local events, plan new ones or simply make a connection and build your GY community! If you can't find someone near you (I'm looking at you, Manitoba), then consider volunteering!
Chat groups are set up for kids 0-17. If you want to join (as a kid) contact the Gifted Youth Group at to get access. You need to have a Gmail address. We configure the age groups to best suit the participants.