AG 2025 will be announced in the upcoming months.  For an example of last year's AG activities, refer below:

AG2024 will have activities, speakers, contests, prizes, and a program for young Mensans.

Please check the website frequently, as it is always being updated as details are confirmed. 


A Whats Ap account will be available shortly before the event, so attendees can coordinate sharing

rooms, transport, activities. There will be easels and post-it notes at registration for non-tech people.


Your registration includes:

Two breakfast buffets, two lunch buffets, all day beverage & snack stand.

Gala Banquet (extra registration)

The Blue Parrot Café – Hospitality room and games room (adjoined)

Note that there is a spa and pool at the hotel, but this is not included in AG program.


There will be activities, contests, PRIZES, and games for youth aged 8-18. 

The program will be amended according to the number of youth and age groups.

If you have a special interest, let us know and it might be possible.


When registering, PLEASE include in the COMMENT BOX what activities your child wants to join, and

their age. 

There will be at least two organizers at all times.

We ask that an adult family member stay with little kids for emotional support, and to admire creative accomplishments

If you have a skill in any of these topics, WE NEED YOU to assist or lead the contest!

Please indicate on your registration form, or see the volunteer tab for how to contact us.

Debate Contests

Here is a special plug for debating contests!

Maybe your child will become enthralled with the skill of making a logical and persuasive argument, and grow up to be a lawyer, or corporate executive.

Here is how it works:

It starts with a group of kids and two bowls.

One bowl has folded up papers with easy topics.

The other bowl has papers that say either for or against.

Two kids go to the front and one picks a topic.

Example of questions:

 there are intelligent aliens that live on other planets, or

 dogs are better than cats, or

 It is better to eat dessert at the end of a meal.

The other person picks a paper that says for or against.

The first person thinks and then makes a little speech saying why the statement is true.

The other person then challenges him/her on what he said.

Then the second person gives a little speech about why the statement is not true.

The first person gets to briefly challenge this.

Sometimes the people in the audience get to ask questions too.

Finally, the two contestants give a ‘closing argument” of one sentence each.

The audience have little paddles that have red and blue sides, and they vote for who they think was the

most persuasive.

Then there are cheers and prizes, and another couple of people take a turn.


YAMs (Young Adult Mensans age 18-40) do not have a special program, however there will be a Meet & Greet scheduled. Please take note of guest speaker Tyson Geib; National YAM Co-Ordinator.


Do you want to meet people who share your special interests? There will be a place and times scheduled in the program for these.

Please indicate your interests in the COMMENT BOX when you register, to help us schedule or to add a Group.

 Groups so far: 

 Music Jammers,

 YAMs (Mensans age 18-40),

 Bookclub members,

 Video gamers,

 Pokemon Traders,

 99.9 Society,



 Mensa editors/ webmasters,

 GYG Parents,


 People living in isolated areas.


We need volunteers to make things run smoothly, and it is a fun way to meet people.

Volunteers are needed to introduce/ thank speakers, assist in the Hospitality Games room, assist selling

BLING at the Mensa Store table, and assist program organizers.

If you volunteer to do two shifts, you will get a complementary volunteer fedora hat.

If you have a special skill like chess, debating, astronomy, or teaching yoga, please contact . We will talk.